Thursday, October 17, 2013

October Report

Hello SWD!

I hope you are all having a productive and fun semester so far! I know that as our university band programs start to get busier and our personal work loads also increase, that this is always a good time for a pep talk to get you through to the end - KEEP GOING! Whenever you start to complain or remember that you are tired, just keep in mind that someone is always watching! We truly set the example for not only our chapter as a whole, but for our bands. As always, remember that school is your first priority. Study hard and succeed like champions today! I hope that you can just keep these few things in mind as you prepare for academic and service excellence in the remaining months of the semester!

This fall I have been given several opportunities to visit with brothers and sisters from around the SWD. Though my personal travel has not picked up yet, I will be traveling to THREE different chapters in the month of November.

Last month, Helen, Allen, and Vanessa (along with Erika Pope) came to Norman for the OU v. Tulsa football game and we had a great time getting to catch up! A couple of weeks ago, Meridith and Scott joined the Delta TBSigma chapter for the OU v. TCU game. Not only did they get to go to the game, but they also stayed over night with us and we got a surprise visit form none other than heather McGowan!

So far I have been able to visit with brothers from TCU, UT, and West Virginia. I am traveling to the University of Kansas this weekend and will then get to see brothers from Alpha Omicron the following weekend!

In addition to visits, I have skyped with numerous chapters and will continue to do so this semester! Please feel free to e-mail me if you would like to set up a Skype chat! As a council we have been working on several projects including a new musical endeavor at District Convention, a district YouTube page, area workshops and more. Keep an eye out for the New Alto which will be released on November 15th by the chapters at Texas A&M Commerce!

With that, I hope you all have a great day!

