Saturday, March 8, 2014

Hey Southwest!

It is crazy to think the semester is halfway finished. This has been the busiest, yet most rewarding semesters I have had to endure. I am beginning the transition into my adult life and I am seeing things from a whole new standpoint. I am currently student teaching at Early ISD in Early, TX (GO LONGHORNS) and I absolutely love it. Having the chance to help influence the future of music is an amazing experience, even if it means I have to teach 6th graders.

The EHS Band with their UIL Sweepstakes Trophy!
Along with student teaching, Kappa Kappa Psi life has been exciting as well! On Wednesday, March 5th, the Zeta Beta chapter inducted nine new active and one honorary member into our chapter. We are so excited to have them with us and look forward to see where they take the chapter. Along with MEP, we just finished participating in a campus wide event called Spring Sing. Many universities do a variation of this event. If you choose to participate, you perform a twelve minute one act play. You write your own script, do your own choreography and have to sing for a certain time period. It is stressful to prepare, however well worth it in the end. Zeta Beta ended up placing third on our campus and received a $300 check! 

Zeta Beta posing after placing 3rd at Spring Sing 2014.
I cannot wait for SWD Convention in April and I hope to see you all there. Bring as many as you can. It is going to be a good on! Strive on, brothers.

Allen Andrus
SWD Vice President

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Finding the Light in the Darkness

Good evening, brothers.  Even though it has been over a month since my appointment, I feel I must formally introduce myself. My name is Austin Bordelon. I am a Biochemistry major from the Beta Gamma chapter at Louisiana State University , and I am your new Southwest District Co-Member at Large. Although my term is short, I hope to leave a big impression.  Once President Helen and the rest of the District Council notified me of this incredible honor, I was speechless.  After the initial shock wore off, I realized all of the work that this office would entail; however, I was prepared for the challenge… or so I thought.

Once the spring semester began and Louisiana entered an unprecedented freeze, I began to experience serious abdominal pain.  I initially thought it was because of something that I ate and eventually the pain would dissipate. Unfortunately, the pain was consistent. Once the campus thawed, I sought attention at the Student Health Center, where, after testing, the doctor told me I needed to go to a bigger facility. So I drove to my hometown and spent the night in the hospital, which hindered my participation at the North Texas Workshop. I was so disappointed to miss the opportunity to meet the Joint SWD Council and the many brothers at the workshop. However, they as well as the brothers from my chapter reassured me that my health was more important. I was soon discharged from the hospital and given antibiotics, hoping to regain my active condition and commence my council work… but would I?

Unfortunately, my antibiotic therapy created new and worse problems.  So I visited a clinic that referred me to a gastroenterologist due to my many symptoms.  When we met the gastro., we scheduled three procedures (all in the same day) because my symptoms correlated to three different conditions.  We also had to schedule them on Mardi Gras to avoid interfering with classes. As a Louisianan, I was distraught because a special holiday was taken away from me; therefore, I needed something to take my mind off of everything that had happened.  And the Arkansas Area Workshop was just what I needed!  I could not wait for all of the fun this weekend would hold.

However, it almost didn’t happen. On my way home to meet my parents for the trip, driving conditions were not ideal. I began to swerve and spin in the highway, but I managed to land safely and not hit another vehicle. I was blessed to be safe, cause only minimal damage to my truck, and land 30 minutes from my house.  Once the dust was settled, my parents had one question: “Do you still want to go to Arkansas?” My answer was a definite “yes!” I needed time away from everything, and since I was not injured in the accident, I was determined to go.

I’m sure you’re probably thinking a few things: “OMG!!! Are you okay???” “I can’t believe you actually traveled in your condition.”  “Why didn’t you just say home or under a rock where it’s safe?”  Well, I am feeling better and will receive a proper diagnosis and treatment next week. I needed to travel because I thought about all of you, my brothers.  My chapter and council brothers gave me nothing but love, kindness, and support.  In a time when I needed it most, the brotherhood was there for me.  In return I needed to show strength and determination.  I needed to show that I could still strive for the highest.  The wonderful hospitality that I received at the Arkansas Area Workshop was more than I could have asked for.  Congratulations to the TBS sisters of Gamma Xi at Arkansas State University for hosting such a well-organized and effective event; moreover, the hotdogs were great. This weekend was exactly what I needed before my procedures. And now that they are finished, I plan to continue the work I stated with gusto.
Kappa Kappa Psi Co-Members at Large Josh Stickney (left), Austin Bordelon (right) and Tau Beta Sigma Vice President of Special Projects Meredith Crawford (center) at the Arkansas Area Workshop

In summation, in your time of need, where all seems dark, do not be afraid to cling to your brothers.  From the beginning of your process they were there for you, and they will continue to shower you with support.

Austin J. Bordelon