Friday, August 2, 2013

Thriving and Striving: A glimpse of Steph

Hello Brothers, Sisters, and miscellaneous!

My newest Littles!

I'm Stephanie McCullough, 2013-2014 SWD Secretary/Treasurer. I'm a Brother of Lambda at the University of Arkansas and will graduate in May 2014 with a B.A. in both Music and Psychology. I rock the glorious trombone and fool around on ukulele. I love Jesus, sports, crafts, games, cooking, learning, camp, reading, dancing, hammocking, biking, and bright colors... among many other things. I consider myself a person of intense passion and drive, and I'm incredibly thankful for all in my life that has blossomed that within me. For a bit more about me, click here to go to my personal blog.

Strive is one of my favorite words. Envisioning it paints a picture of an individual pushing relentlessly up a muddy mountain, in a huge thunderstorm, while carrying a heavy pack of necessities for those waiting at the top. I see this person gazing with much focus on the road ahead, eyes constantly upward, not wincing in pain but set firmly in determination.

Though graphic, such versions of striving are not common in my daily life, KPsi or otherwise. For me, striving is necessity. It's important to move onward and upward with much purpose, even when lacking specific direction. Now, at the end of my undergraduate career, I face a certain and heavy lack of clarity when it comes to future things. I don't know if I'm going to grad school and if I do, to which one. I don't know if I want to apply for some major national awards to do international things. Honestly, I have no dream career, just a mix bag of things that all sound awesome. I'm at a point where many college kids begin to worry and freak and lose it beneath the dark cloud of uncertainty.

But me? No. I refuse.
And instead I choose.
I choose to strive.

The lack of a 5 year plan does not affect my ability to work, to do, to make a difference. We're often told otherwise, but that is all wrong. I love the definition Josh posted earlier about strive meaning to "struggle vigorously". It truly is a struggle to swim through the unknown, but it's one I deem worthwhile.

It's worthwhile to strive. To push. To go. To keep on keepin' on.

My own little sub-definition of strive is to give. To give oneself, as others have done for us. For me, it's strongly tied to my faith and the example Christ made by serving others with complete humility. It's so beautiful. To give all of oneself: time, resources, abilities, love, everything. Giving is tops because it is something meant to be outside of ourselves. We strive for bands. We strive within this fraternity. We strive as we serve that about which we care deeply. We strive when we're at our best. We strive for greatness in our commitments.

And just so you all know, I'm committed. I want to better the SWD in my own small way, whatever it may be, in the coming year. There's a lot going on in life right now, but I'm dedicated to making it all amazing. With dependence His strength and assistance from the rest of council and the wonderful Brothers and Sisters at home, I'm confident it'll be great.

Nah, not great. Excellent.

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