Saturday, December 28, 2013

Reality Check!!!

The Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season have been a little odd for me.

Neither of them have really turned out as I wanted. However, they were meant to pass that way.

The night before Thanksgiving, I was driving home to spend time with my family and ended up totaling my car in my first car accident. No one was injured in the accident, but I was definitely in a small state of shock. Right after Thanksgiving, I decided to chase on of my dreams and audition for the Boston Crusaders. I had one of the greatest weekends with the staff of that Drum Corps and learned many valuable lessons from that as well. It did not take me long to realize what I am thankful for during that season.

Once I came back, finals week dawned. Though my schedule wasn't too hectic, this was, by far, the hardest finals week I have ever had. I had to go out with a bang! Thankfully, I will not have to worry about final examinations for a while. I am now planning and organizing myself for student teaching! I will be at Early High School in Early, Texas studying under an alum of my chapter who has turned the band program around at this school in a matter of two or three years. Very exciting!!

The freedom of Christmas break then set in, but not for too long. I went to the cardiologist on December 19th, for I have a genetic heart condition, and was given some interesting news. They put me on a 24-hour heart monitor and I returned the next day. The doctor told me that I would come back the next Monday for another appointment and he would call if there was something urgent. Well, a few hours later, my father gets a call. Guess who?? The doctor informed my dad the day after my first appointment in three years that I would be going into surgery Monday morning at 10:00. Surprise!!! Though the surgery isn't major, I was still tested. Now, I have a pacemaker implanted. It is a small machine about the size of a quarter that keeps my heart beating a steady pulse. I am very thankful and can rest easy at night. I have one more surgery in a month to clear up the rest of my heart issues. I am ready to be beating normal again!! Until then, I will be teaching high school and middle school students the magic of music. What a great thing to do!!

It is amazing at how circumstances like these can really give you a reality check. If I hadn't have been in the car accident, I may not have ever realized how thankful I am for my friends, family, or how meaningful seat belts are. Its the small things. Like being able to wake up the next morning, which was almost question for me when my heart was so unstable. I am not one to talk about deep subjects like this for long, but I have had plenty of time to reflect on a few things. During your time off, do the same for yourself. You will be surprised what you find. See you all soon!!

Allen Andrus

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